If your car insurance bills are getting more expensive and starting to affect your budget, you are not alone. Many drivers spend a lot of money on auto insurance premiums these days. The truth is that many factors can affect the cost your car insurance, such as your age, credit score and how much you drive. But if you are tired paying such high prices, it is time to make some changes.…
When you have a major life change, it affects every other area of your life. One thing that may be affected by major life changes and many individuals forget about is your auto insurance. Below are three major life changes that could positively affect your auto insurance. If you are going through a major life change, you should discuss your situation with your insurance agent to make sure you have the best policy for your new situation and you are getting the best insurance rates available to you.…
Insurance companies consider many factors when calculating home insurance quotes. One of these factors is your credit score, via your insurance score. By improving your credit score, you may be able to increase your insurance score and qualify for a lower home insurance quote. Here’s why.
Most Insurance Companies Use Insurance Scores
Between 85 and 90 percent of insurers consider insurance scores, which are derived from credit scores. In California, Maryland and Massachusetts, insurance companies aren’t allowed to consider credit scores, and by extension insurance scores, when calculating premiums.…
After an accident, the repair bills and medical costs add up quickly. You need the insurance company to come through with a payment, but you may not be in a hurry to add attorney’s fees to your already mounting pile of bills. And sometimes, it’s not necessary to hire an attorney. If your case is very straightforward and the question of fault is cut and dry, you may be able to simply write a demand letter to your insurance company yourself, asking for the payment that you’re entitled to.…
If you’ve recently completed the terms of your plea agreement or criminal sentence following a DUI, you may be looking forward to getting back to a normal life – including regaining your driving privileges. However, if your insurance was dropped or suspended after your DUI conviction, you may be concerned that an inability to obtain coverage could keep you taking public transportation or arranging for rides from friends for a while longer.…
If you’re in the market for home insurance, you might consider looking into both standard home insurance, sometimes referred to as building insurance, and contents insurance. The first protects the structure and property and the second protects the movable contents within. In some cases, when both are purchased at the same time, it’s less expensive.
Standard Property Insurance
Standard property insurance covers your home, permanent fittings in kitchens and bathrooms, hardwood or tile floors and the garage.…
Winter weather can be unpredictable and unpleasant, but it can also wreak havoc on your home and property. If the winter weather where you live turns “wicked,” you need to know what your homeowners insurance will cover, and what it won’t. While every policy is different, here are some general winter weather-related things that are covered by homeowners insurance, and some that aren’t.
Damage from ice dams
Ice dams occur when ice fills the gutters along your roof, blocking the runoff of water from melting snow.…
Filing a claim with your auto insurance company may seem to you to be more difficult than it has to be. You know that you’re filing the claim in good faith, so why do you have to wait or jump through hoops to get your money and get back on the road? But the truth is, plenty of people do try to take advantage of their auto insurance policies, so the companies have to be diligent on order to protect themselves from fraudsters.…
Ride sharing is a booming business in the United States, and people are looking to cash in on its success. Thanks to the widespread availability of smart phones and other mobile devices, ordinary persons are now able to connect with potential passengers and provide rides using their private vehicles. However, if you are thinking of using your car as a way to earn income, then you should be prepared by understanding the concerns and potential pitfalls from an auto insurance point-of-view.…