Choosing The Right Life Insurer: What You Need To Know

3 Weirdest Fraudulent Auto Insurance Claims

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Filing a claim with your auto insurance company may seem to you to be more difficult than it has to be. You know that you’re filing the claim in good faith, so why do you have to wait or jump through hoops to get your money and get back on the road? But the truth is, plenty of people do try to take advantage of their auto insurance policies, so the companies have to be diligent on order to protect themselves from fraudsters.…

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Ride Sharing Drivers: Be Sure To Understand Your Auto Insurance Needs And Responsibilities

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Ride sharing is a booming business in the United States, and people are looking to cash in on its success. Thanks to the widespread availability of smart phones and other mobile devices, ordinary persons are now able to connect with potential passengers and provide rides using their private vehicles. However, if you are thinking of using your car as a way to earn income, then you should be prepared by understanding the concerns and potential pitfalls from an auto insurance point-of-view.…

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