When reaching out to an auto insurance provider for a quote, you will have to decide whether to accept or decline a variety of different types of coverage. While it is important to ensure you have adequate auto insurance coverage, it is equally as important to make sure you are not paying for coverage that you don’t need. That is why you must take the time to familiarize yourself with each type of optional coverage so that you can ultimately select the coverage options that are best suited to your needs.…
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Many people mistakenly believe that the only way to reap the money-saving benefits of group health insurance is to work for a large employer who is able to offer employer-sponsored health care benefits. However, the truth is that you may be able to qualify for a group health care plan even if you work for yourself and do not have any employees. This is because employer associations are just one of the many ways in which a group can be formed for the purposes of purchasing health insurance.…
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When you are experiencing difficulty in your personal finances, it is often tempting to drop most of your auto insurance and simply have a policy for the legal minimum. Because of the savings, this may be tempting; however, before you do this, there are several things you need to consider. The following are four of them.
What will happen if the accident is your fault?
The portion of an auto insurance policy that protects your car in this situation is called collision insurance.…
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